Summer school

A lot of students have been wondering if they can take courses over the summer to get ahead or to just simply catch up, and the long awaited answer is no; not technically.

A student can take financial literacy the summer before their junior year and they can take Government the summer before senior year, otherwise there are no other courses available to be taken over the summer to get ahead.

“Summer school is only for the purpose of taking a class that has been failed,” said sophomore counselor Scott Cathey.

The cost is expected to be $90.

There will be announcements over this matter discussing all of the students’ options and will give them specific information within the next month or so.

In order to apply for summer school, students will have to come by the counseling office to get an application and should return the application with the payment as soon as possible to their class counselor.

The matter of taking classes outside of USD 259 will generally not be helpful. In order to do so, the student will have to withdraw from the system for a whole semester; so it really is not advised.

“The very best way to advance at the quickest pace is to be sure to be successful in all classes,” said Cathey.